
The advancements in digital communication technology have made communication between humans more accessible and instant. However, personal and sensitive information may be available online through social networks and online services that lack the security measures to protect this information. Communication systems are vulnerable and can easily be penetrated by malicious users through social engineering attacks. These attacks aim at tricking individuals or enterprises into accomplishing actions that benefit attackers or providing them with sensitive data such as social security number, health records, and passwords. Social engineering is one of the biggest challenges facing network security because it exploits the natural human tendency to trust. This paper provides an in-depth survey about the social engineering attacks, their classifications, detection strategies, and prevention procedures.


  • Social engineering attacks are rapidly increasing in today’s networks and are weakening the cybersecurity chain

  • It is mainly based on voice over the internet protocol (VoIP) to ensure several VoIP functions such as interactive voice response and text to speech [36]

  • This attack works by hacking the domain name system (DNS) server and exploiting any vulnerabilities to change the internet protocol (IP) address of the host machine and the server

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Social engineering attacks are rapidly increasing in today’s networks and are weakening the cybersecurity chain They aim at manipulating individuals and enterprises to divulge valuable and sensitive data in the interest of cyber criminals [1]. Malicious activities accomplished through human interactions influence a person psychologically to divulge confidential information or to break the security procedures [2] Due to these human interactions, social engineering attacks are the most powerful attacks because they threaten all systems and networks. IInn tthhiiss ppaappeerr,, wwee pprreesseenntt aann iinn--ddeepptthh ssuurrvveeyy aabboouutt ssoocciiaall eennggiinneeeerriinngg aattttaacckkss,, eexxiissttiinngg ddeetteeccttiioonn mmeetthhooddss,, aanndd ccoouunntteerrmmeeaassuurree tteecchhnniiqquueess. SSeeccttiioonn I2I ccllaassssiiffiieess aanndd ddeessccrriibbeess ssoocciiaalleennggiinneeeerriinnggaattttaacckkss..SSeecctitoionnIsII3aannddIV4 pprroovviiddeeaann oovveerrvviieeww ooff eexxiissttiinngg ddeetteeccttiioonn,, pprreevveennttiioonn,, aanndd mmiittiiggaattiioonn tteecchhnniiqquueess. TThheessee tteecchhnniiqquueess aarree tthheenn ddiissccuusssseedd aanndd ccoommppaarreedd iinn SSeeccttiioonn,5V. IInn tthhee hhooookk pphhaassee,, tthhee aattttaacckkeerr ssttaarrttss ttoo ggaaiinn tthhee ttrruusstt ooff tthhee vviiccttiimm tthhrroouugghh ddiirreecctt ccoonnttaacctt oorr eemmaaiill ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn..InInththeeppalaylyphpahsaes,et,hteheatatattcakcekreirnifnlufleunecnecsetshethveicvtiicmtimemeomtiootnioalnlyaltloy tporopvriodveidseensseintisviteivienfionrfmoramtiaotnioonropr epreforfromrmsesceucruitryitymmisitsatkaekse.s.InInththeeoouuttpphhaassee,, tthhee aattttaacckkeerr qquuiittss wwiitthhoouutt lleeaavviinngg aannyy pprrooooff [[1133]]

Attacks Classification
Baiting Attacks
Tailgating Attacks
Ransomware Attacks
Fake Software Attacks
Reverse Social Engineering Attacks
Pop-Up Windows
2.2.10. Robocalls Attacks
2.2.11. Other Attacks
Prevention Techniques
Mitigation Techniques
Challenges and Future Directions
Full Text
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