
Considering the fulfillment of coastal communities' needs and welfare must be prioritized by the Wakatobi National Park management. The study aimed to describe the social adaptation of Bajo Mola community in the Wakatobi National area. The research method used descriptive qualitative with data collection through observation, in-depth interviews, documentation and literature review and analysed using triangulation models. The results showed Bajo Mola is one of the communities that lives depend on the sea. The total number of Bajo Mola fishers is 3,358 of 8,048 total people (41.72%). Based statistics data certain impacts on marine conservation, but the Wakatobi National Park area also has impacts on the socio-economic growth of the community. That Bajo Mola community interpreted the sea as a source of life. Since the regional autonomy formed on Wakatobi Regency and appointed as the Wakatobi National Park, the management has encouraged the community to be more creative using the marine resources. Even though traditional fisherman was still developing until now, the businessmen with the aquaculture innovations have supported the community to get the maximum profit. The strategy used was by processing dried fish, grouper farming, and having loing technology. Farming activities and loing technology have a positive impact on the Bajo community by facilitating fishers to sell their catch. Also, marketing access directs to be more extensive in foreign countries.

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