
Healthcare systems all over the world are strained as the COVID-19 pandemic's spread becomes more widespread. The only realistic strategy to avoid asymptomatic transmission is to monitor social distance, as there are no viable medical therapies or vaccinations for it. A unique computer vision-based framework that uses deep learning is to analyze the images that are needed to measure social distance. This technique uses the key point regressor to identify the important feature points utilizing the Visual Geometry Group (VGG19) which is a standard Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture having multiple layers, MobileNetV2 which is a computer vision network that advances the-state-of-art for mobile visual identification, including semantic segmentation, classification and object identification. VGG19 and MobileNetV2 were trained on the Kaggle dataset. The border boxes for the item may be seen as well as the crowd is sizeable, and red identified faces are then analyzed by MobileNetV2 to detect whether the person is wearing a mask or not. The distance between the observed people has been calculated using the Euclidian distance. Pretrained models like (You only look once) YOLOV3 which is a real-time object detection system, RCNN, and Resnet50 are used in our embedded vision system environment to identify social distance on images. The framework YOLOV3 performs an overall accuracy of 95% using transfer learning technique runs in 22ms which is four times fast than other predefined models. In the proposed model we achieved an accuracy of 96.67% using VGG19 and 98.38% using MobileNetV2, this beats all other models in its ability to estimate social distance and face mask.

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