
The Fertile Crescent (FC) is one of the world’s oldest and continuously populated regions. Situated around the historic Tigris and Euphrates rivers the countries of the FC are also central to the formation of modern civilization. They also have been the centers of advancements in agricultural and animal husbandry practices, the introduction of writing, as well as advances in architecture and sculpture. The region also has been characterized by an abundance of natural resources in addition to fabulous levels of man-made wealth. Unfortunately, the nine primary countries of the FC—Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine—also have been the center of social and religious conflict as well as military invasions from both within and outside the region. In recent years, some countries within the FC have been the source of state-sponsored terrorism and several are in the midst of civil wars and intraregional conflicts, including Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, and Syria. The research reported in this chapter documents development trends that have occurred and are still taking place in four FC countries—Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria. The statistical picture presented in this report for at least two of these countries is an especially bleak one—Iraq and Syria--albeit more positive outcomes are possible should other member state of the OIC provide moral leadership, financial support, and technical assistance in helping to reverse the downward trajectories being experienced by these countries.

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