
Eye contact with another person (social gaze) can evoke emotions, produce autonomic arousal, and influence behavior. Gaze cues can be evocative even when presented in static pictures of faces suggesting that responses depend on low-level visual features of gaze stimuli. The current study examined whether emotional gaze responses depend on the physical stimulus properties of an eye contact experience versus the cognitive evaluation of the social context of gaze. This was done by comparing skin conductance responses (SCR), an index of emotional arousal, during episodes of social gaze and 'self-gaze' (gazing at one's own eyes in a mirror), keeping other aspects of the viewing conditions constant. We compared SCRs during social gaze and self-gaze in forty participant pairs. Each participant engaged in ten, 20 second eye contact trials, alternating between social and self-gaze. Self-gaze episodes produced significant SCRs but social gaze SCR's were larger and occurred more reliably. SCRs decreased across trials (habituation effect) in both conditions. We speculated that social gaze between opposite sex partners might yield larger SCRs but this was not found. Overall, these results conceptually replicate previous findings of (likely top-town) cognitive regulation of autonomic gaze responses based on evaluation of the social context.

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