
The pattern of ethnic relations and religion among university students is always the focus of understanding Malaysian unity and ethnic relation. This study explores the study of unity by recalling the concept of solidarity put forward by Durkheim. Unity as the main concept needs to be reinterpreted by studying the social realities and social history in Malaysia. Unity happens in the long life of harmony since the 1969 ethnic riots until now, but Malaysia still faces social tensions and fights between ethnic and religious in society. Unity is still considered fragile and just a dream. The concept of social cohesion is expressed as a social phenomenon that needs to be studied as the atmosphere is harmonious but colored with social tension. The multi-culture of Malaysian come from its relationship with east civilization before pre-colonial and the British colonization. The differences between ethnicity and religion in social order cause tension and conflict among the groups. Yet development in the last four decades has changed the social landscape where multi-ethnic societies have turned into a socially diverse society. University students are targeted as respondents in understanding the concepts and patterns of social cohesion among them. Studies show that social cohesion among students is developed. The dimension and item analysis show that there are ethnic and religious differences, but the differences are relatively small. It is suggested that follow-up studies in identifying the form and understanding of the relationship of social cohesion on campus should be conducted through qualitative and ethnographic research design in obtaining data to strengthen ethnic relations in the university. Input from this follow-up study finding will strengthen social cohesion among students that can help governance and university development is well managed by identifying the social gap.

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