
1. Introduction 2. Profiles of Integrated and Segregated Occupations 3. Occupational Segregation, Social Stratification and the Pay Gap 4. Women with Discontinuous Employment Histories 5. A Differentiated Part-Time Workforce: Marginal Jobs, Half-Time Jobs and Reduced Hours Jobs 6. Working Students 7. Homework and Travel to Work Patterns 8. Small Firms and the Solo Self-Employed 9. The Drug Dealers: A Case Study of Pharmacy, an Integrated Occupation 10. Conclusions Annex A. Labour Market Data in the 1991 Census 1% and 2% SARs Annex B. 1991 Census 10% Sample Data on the Occupational Structure and Sex Ratios Annex C. The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO88): occupational sex ratios and part-time work rates by type of occupation

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