
We measured body dimensions and coloration and quantified the behavior of females and males of two color phases in the Bonaire whiptail, Cnemidophorus murinus, to begin addressing the ultimate causation for sexual dimorphism in this species. Examination of size-adjusted body dimensions revealed that males have wider, longer, and deeper heads as well as somewhat longer forelegs and hind legs. Males were characterized by two distinct coloration patterns. Blue males displayed purple–blue dewlaps, blue–gray background coloration on the head and anterior torso, numerous light blue spots on the flanks, brown–orange coloration on the posterior torso, and a turquoise section on the proximal portion of the tail. By contrast, brown males were uniform olive–green to yellow–brown, with the exception of light blue spots on the lateral torso. Females were colored like brown males but lacked the blue spots. Testis length scaled with body size. Testes of only 26% of brown males were active, whereas all blue males had active testes. Blue males initiated aggressive encounters involving chases and displays directed toward other males much more frequently than females were aggressive with consexuals or with either type of male. Brown males were not observed to initiate aggression. Most blue male aggression was directed toward other blue males (70.6% of encounters), whereas 29.4% of encounters were with brown males. Blue males initiated 85.7% of the courtship encounters observed compared with only 7.1% initiated by brown males and 7.2% by females. Male-biased dimorphism in head and leg dimensions as well as coloration, together with higher rates of intrasexual aggression and courtship activity by blue males, are consistent with the hypothesis that sexual selection explains the evolution of sexual dimorphism in C. murinus.

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