
The article presents features of social formation and development of youth in Ukraine, namely in the context of youth policy. The concepts of «youth policy», «youth, young citizens», «youth social formation», «socialization», «the basic components of the process of youth social formation and development» are defined. The definitions of « youth social formation» and «socialization of personality» are compared.The scientists' works who paid attention to youth policy in general and some aspects of social formation and development of youth are analysed. There are scientists who analysed the problems of modern youth socialization in their works. The article highlights the scientists who study the basic principles, directions and mechanisms of implementation of state youth policy, the evolution of state youth policy and prospects for its further development, organizational and legal mechanisms of implementation of state youth policy in Ukraine at the regional level, features of formation and implementation of state youth policy, etc. The legal principles of youth policy have been characterized and, under the current legislation of Ukraine, the basic conditions for social formation and development of youth in Ukraine have been outlined. The analysed literature identified the components of the process of youth social formation and development in Ukraine. The article identifies the main purpose and objectives of youth policy in Ukraine. The periods in the human life, the main social tasks facing the person and the priority directions of the state policy for the given period are distinguished. The directions of the state policy in the youth social formation and development according to certain periods of life of a young person are made. The main tasks, principles and directions of the state policy of promoting the youth integration into society are outlined. The main directions of state policy in the field of youth social formation and development in Ukraine are outlined.

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