
The main characteristics of the structure of network communication are revealed. The features of network interaction, the behavioral strategies of its participants are indicated. The influence of various social factors on the manifestation of aggression in network interaction is considered. As a theoretical basis, the approaches developed both within the framework of the sociological paradigm and within the framework of an interdisciplinary approach are presented. Special emphasis is placed on the theory of social roles by D. Myers and the concept of cyber aggression by D. Chabrot. On the one hand, network communication is presented as the possibility of a more complete, more intense interaction of individuals than in the case of physical presence. On the other hand, as a factor in the emergence of destructive forms of communication, such as trolling, cyberbullying, etc. The features of network communication are the expansion of time boundaries due to slower communication, a more detailed study of the information provided by the interlocutor, selectivity in self-presentation, and the creation of one's own image on the network. The importance of an integrated approach to understanding aggressive behavior in network interaction is indicated. The results of an empirical study of social factors of manifestation of aggression in Internet communication are presented. Communication in the Internet space itself becomes aggressive, as users feel impunity for their aggression. The aggressor often hides behind various social roles that are not characteristic of him. The accumulating aggression, which cannot be expressed in real life, so as not to contradict the role attitudes, is poured out in the form of comments, messages, both written and voice. The insults themselves are one of the external factors in the manifestation of aggression. Users themselves reduce the amount of aggression on the network by ignoring provocateurs. The main social factors of the manifestation of aggression in network interaction include the features of the communication skills of the users themselves and the pressure from the society about the expected behavior corresponding to the social roles of the individual.

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