
The article is devoted to an actual problem that reflects a clearly visible crisis of communicative culture, which hides a deeper conflict of social values, manifested in the breakdown of patterns formed in the past, standards of action in specific situations of communication between representatives of different ethnic groups, cultures, confessions, etc. A surge in the birth of new ethnopholisms, acting as the most expressive ethnonyms, coincided with the rise to a new level of hate speech, in which the most diverse socially colored nicknames turn into a powerful tool for political stigmatization of any persons or communities that are different from the subject of this process.The study of such a phenomenon is interdisciplinary in nature and is impossible without knowledge of the facts of history, culture, language, economic life of different ethnic groups. The study of ethnopholisms in the form of toponymic nicknames allows us to find out the reasons for the ambivalent attitude towards the trend of regionalization, when, on the one hand, it is under pressure from the same social, economic, political and spiritual processes that caused the collapse of global projects, however, on the other hand, the proximity of regional actions to local conditions, provides a basis for predicting the possibility, through the strengthening of identity, to create both a stronger socio-economic basis for the development of regional communities, and to find a new model for their interaction in the global space.

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