
The article examines in detail the problems associated with the development of Buddhism, which introduced a personal aspect to religion and embodied the idea of the need for compassion for all living beings. A special place is occupied by the analysis of the moral and social component of this religion. Buddhism is seen as a protest movement that originated in India and is directed against the frozen hierarchy, mechanical ritualism and greed of the Brahmins. This religion challenged the Brahmin hierarchy, appealing primarily to warriors, kings, and the mass of the free population. The Buddhist community was a brotherhood of mendicant monks who did not perform any rituals, but only showed people the way to salvation by the example of their lives. Buddhism is also one of the radical reformist teachings, not only intellectually, but also socially. He called people, first of all, to inner perfection, the last stage of which can be achieved only through kindness and benevolence to all living beings. The central point of this article is devoted to the debate about the reality of the Buddha’s existence, his teaching and the transformations of this teaching. A significant place is given to the description of the way of life of Buddhist monks, the relationship within the Buddhist community and with the laity. The reasons for the attractiveness of Buddhism and its easy adaptability to other religious doctrines are substantiated. The possibilities of transformation of Buddhism, including within the framework of syncretic creeds, as well as in the activities of totalitarian and pseudo-religious sects, are shown. Examples of the politicization of this religion and its inclusion in the activities of fundamentalist organizations are given.



  • Buddhism is seen as a protest movement that originated in India and is directed against the frozen hierarchy, mechanical ritualism and greed of the Brahmins. is religion challenged the Brahmin hierarchy, appealing primarily to warriors, kings, and the mass of the free population

  • E central point of this article is devoted to the debate about the reality of the Buddha’s existence, his teaching and the transformations of this teaching

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СОЦИАЛЬНЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ ВЕДУЩИХ РЕЛИГИОЗНЫХ ДОКТРИН: БУДДИЗМ Н.Г. Осипова, докт. социол. наук, проф., проф. кафедры современной социологии, декан социологического факультета МГУ имени М.В. Изучая ее письменные памятники, они исходят из того, что в них “заключена некая универсальная вечная истина, которая сближает буддизм со всем многообразием верований и религий мира”[2]. Несмотря на очевидную скудость подлинных исторических источников, многие ученые[22] с достаточной долей уверенности утверждают, что человек по имени Сиддхатха Гаутама действительно существовал и что его последователи в меру своих сил сохранили как само учение, так и сведения о его жизни23, — заключает К.

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