
The problem of developing social aspects of the system of economic security as an element of social and economic development of the most important macroeconomic and financial processes is quite complex and multifaceted. Strengthening the social orientation of market transformations requires that the state’s social and economic policy should be directed towards the achievement of European standards of quality of life and universal values. This implies a reliable social protection of the population and proper pension security as one of the determining factors of public welfare. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical foundations of economic security, the justification of its social aspects. The article reveals the theoretical principles of economic security, examines its social aspects. The author’s definition of economic security demonstrates the influence of economic and social factors. It is substantiated that economic security is a state of the economy, the most important qualitative characteristic of its functioning, which determines stable, sustainable economic and social development, provides protection of vital interests of the individual, society and state, neutralizes social and economic factors of danger and threats to the growth of the welfare of the population and the economy of the country. . Social dominance becomes the most important goal of the processes of ensuring national security at all subjective levels and functional areas of activity. The development of the economic and social sphere forms a single interconnected process, within which the influence on the parameters of national security throughout the spectrum of manifestations of human activity is exercised. The social component of economic security becomes a prerequisite for ensuring a high level of development of productive forces and industrial relations in accordance with the basic state and social interests, which are stated in the system of criteria of national security of the country.

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