
The article analyzes the international (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child, Salamanca Declaration and Program of Actions for the Education of Persons with Special Needs, International Consultations on Early Learning for Children with Special Educational Needs) and domestic (ZU «On Education», «On the Protection of Childhood», «On Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons of Ukraine», «On Social Services») regulatory legal acts on social protection, education of people with disabilities.It is determined that social and psychological rehabilitation of children and young people with OOP is a complex, multilevel and dynamic system of measures aimed at restoring, developing and affirming the social status of a person, his psychological functions, qualities, properties; protection of mental health and social well-being; social involvement in full-fledged vitality and capacity, involvement in social relationships through the elimination of life-limiting constraints and the creation of an accessible environment.The types of social and psychological rehabilitation were investigated: elementary, everyday, pedagogical / social-pedagogical, educational, family, recreational (leisure), psychological.Socio-psychological rehabilitation permeates, in essence, all aspects of work aimed at restoring the individual-personal status of a person, on the restoration, development and formation of abilities and qualities that allow her to successfully perform various social roles (family, spouse, parental, social, political) etc.) to be able to be really involved in various spheres of social relations.It is advisable to consider social rehabilitation as a sound result of rehabilitation activity, which can be achieved only as a result of a set of actions within all the above-mentioned areas of rehabilitation since only in the course of their joint realization is possible a true and complete restoration of the disabled person's capacity for social functioning.

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