
30–35% of the competencies of higher education students (defined by the standard for specialty 231 «Social work») can be formed in the process of studying social and psychological educational disciplines. Therefore, the article analyzes the educational and professional programs of eleven Ukrainian institutions of higher education, which provide training in the specialty 231 «Social work». The purpose of the study was: 1) to analyze the weight of social-psychological competences in the standard of higher education of specialty 231; 2) to analyze the socio-psychological educational offers of institutions of higher education in the specialty «Social work»; 3) to propose the structure of educational disciplines of social and psychological topics for this specialty. It was found that Ukrainian institutions of higher education do not have a single strategy regarding the location of social-psychological training courses for the training of specialists in the «Social Work» specialty. The number of social and psychological disciplines ranges from 6 to 12 (for the «bachelor» educational level). We offered socio-psychological educational disciplines, adhering to the principles of systematicity and sequence of the educational process. Future social workers are offered to study «Fundamentals of personality psychology, age and differential psychology» and «Social psychology in social work» in the 1st year. In the second year – «Psychodiagnostics», «Game and artistic methods of social work», «Social prevention of deviant behavior», «Family psychology». In the third year – «Child and gerontological psychology», «Communication training», «Management psychology», «Mediation in conflict resolution». In the fourth year – «Intercultural communication and social work with migrants», «Criminal psychology, penitentiary and post-penitentiary social work», «Psychology of social work with deviant behavior of children and adolescents». For the master's degree, we suggest mastering the issues of «Organizational Psychology», «Psychology of Creativity», and «Social and Psychological Work in the Community».

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