
Objective. The objective of the article is to determine the specifics of informational saturation of students’ independent learning activity to characterize the types and forms of work that contribute to the motivation of independent learning activity in the process of training translators. Methods. The main scientific results are obtained by means of such methods as analysis and generalization of scientific and educational-methodical literature on didactic problems; system analysis; a combination of historical and logical methods in the study; isolation of subsystems of complex objects and their system analysis, integral approach to the study of pedagogical phenomena. Results. The article considers the concept of social and informative saturation of the educational process, its impact on the effective organization of independent learning activities of students, the genesis of the use of new and information technologies in the learning process, describes the main forms and methods of training future translators. It is proved that in the process of mastering the disciplines by students in a higher educational institution it is necessary to form the independence of thinking, to promote the desire to discover new knowledge and the ways to master it. The role and place of modern information technologies in the process of individualization of independent learning activity of students of philological specialties are specified. It was found that in today’s conditions, the effectiveness of higher education depends on the extent and nature of the use of information technologies, students’ involvement in distance learning. The author emphasizes that independent learning activity contributes to the formation of students’ intellectual qualities necessary for a future specialist. Informational saturation, in turn, contributes to the social opportunities of learners, their media literacy, allows ensuring the emotional involvement of the student in the process of assimilation of information created by rapid active response and positive reinforcement. The introduction of such new methods as network technologies, tutoring methods, case methods provides independent learning activities for students of translation specialties in an interactive mode and thus motivates this type of activity.

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