
VOLUME II: Social and Emotional Development. Handbook Preface (Richard M. Lerner Tufts University). 1. Introduction: Social and Emotional Development across the Life Span (Alexandra M. Freund University of Zurich, Michael Lamb University of Cambridge). 2. Neurobiological Bases of Social Behavior across the Life Span (Stephen W. Porges and C. Sue Carter University of Illinois at Chicago). 3. The Development of Emotion Regulation: A Neuropsychological Perspective (Marc D. Lewis, Rebecca Todd, and Xiaowen Xu University of Toronto). 4. Dynamic Integration of Emotion and Cognition: Equilibrium Regulation and Development (Gisela Labouvie-Vief University of Geneva, Daniel Gruhn North Carolina State University, Joseph Studer University of Geneva). 5. Self-Regulation across the Life Span (G. John Geldhof, Todd D. Little, and John Colombo University of Kansas). 6. Self and Identity across the Life Span (Dan P. McAdams and Keith S. Cox Northwestern University). 7. Temperament and Personality through the Life Span (John E. Bates, Alice C. Schermerhorn, and Jackson A. Goodnight Indiana University). 8. Life-Span Perspectives on Positive Personality Development in Adulthood and Old Age (Ursula M. Staudinger and Catherine Bowen Jacobs University Bremen). 9. Coping across the Life Span (Carolyn M. Aldwin Oregon State University, Loriena A.Yancura University of Hawai'i, Manoa, Daria K. Boeninger Arizona State University). 10. Gendered Behavior across the Life Span (Melissa Hines University of Cambridge). 11. Intimate Relationships across the Life Span (Lisa M. Diamond, Christopher P. Fagundes, and Molly R. Butterworth University of Utah). 12. Convoys of Social Relations: Integrating Life-Span and Life-Course Perspectives (Toni C. Antonucci University of Michigan, Katherine L. Fiori Adelphi University, Kira Birditt and Lisa M. H. Jackey University of Michigan). 13. Achievement Motives and Goals: A Developmental Analysis (Andrew J. Elliot University of Rochester, David E. Conroy The Pennsylvania State University, Kenneth E. Barron James Madison University, Kou Murayama Tokyo Institute of Technology). 14. Developmental Psychopathology (Dante Cicchetti University of Minnesota). 15. Developing Civic Engagement within a Civic Context Jonathan F. Zaff America's Promise Alliance (Daniel Hart Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Constance A. Flanagan The Pennsylvania State University, James Youniss Catholic University of America, Peter Levine Tufts University). 16. Religious and Spiritual Development across the Life Span: A Behavioral and Social Science Perspective (W. George Scarlett and Amy Eva Warren Tufts University).

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