
<p>This article will critically look at social and cultural impacts of resettlement programme, manifest and latent function of resettlement programme which has gradually helped in terms of diffusion of cultural and had let to the social integration of people of Mendrelgang geowg under Tsirang Dzongkhag. Previously Mendrelgang gewog have a dominant population of Lhotshampa speaking the Nepali language. Now with the introduction of resettlement programme we have almost people from twenty dzongkhag which comprise of Lhotshampas, Ngalops, sharshops, Kheng and Brokpa and all. This different ethnic population has its unique language, cultural, beliefs and practices. So because of this, we have heterogeneity of population in one particular gewog (District). This heterogeneity of population has slowly helped in terms of diffusion of different culture among the different ethnic people. So this diffusion of culture and cultural traits has reduced the sense of Ethnocentrism among different communities and brought cultural and social inclusiveness. Despite the difference that they have in terms of culture, beliefs, practice, race and ethnicity. People of Mendregang gewog are working together to maintain social solidarity through collective action. This in return helped them to understand and respect each other culture. So because of these people of Mendrelgang are having unity in diversity. This is how people of Mendrelgang are contributing towards building a happy nation and contributing to Gross National Happiness.</p>

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