
AVANCO, L. V.; On normalization and polarity classification of opinion texts on the web. 2015. 102 p. Dissertation (Master degree Computer Science and Computational Mathematics) Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas e de Computacao (ICMC/USP), Sao Carlos SP. Sentiment Analysis or Opinion Mining has as a main goal to process opinions, feelings and subjectivity expressed in texts. The large number of opinions in social media has increased the interest of companies and governments, who have changed their decisionmaking systems. This has caused a great interest in this research area. Opinions are usually expressed by subjective text, and their processing is a hard task. Moreover, reviews posted on the web are of a especial text type, also called user-generated content (UGC), whose processing is a very challenging task, since they differ in many ways from the standard language. This work describes the design of methods and systems aimed at (a) the normalization of UGC texts, through the use of spell checking, substitution of web slangs, case and punctuation correction, and (b) the classification of opinions at document level, especially for reviews of products in Brazilian Portuguese. The method proposed for normalization of UGC is linguistically motivated. For the classification of opinions, which, in this work, consists in assigning a polarity value (positive or negative) to a opinion text, some lexicon-based and machine learning approaches, as well as a combination of both in a new hybrid manner have been implemented and evaluated. We noticed that the text normalization has improved the results of opinion classification for lexicon-based methods. The quality of the sentiment lexicons for Portuguese was extrinsically evaluated. The reliability of the opinions’ authors was verified, since they are used for labeling samples. We concluded that they significantly impact the performance of the opinion classifiers. Finally, we proposed some opinion classifiers for Brazilian Portuguese whose F1-measures values reach 0.84 (lexicon-based approach) and 0.95 (machine learning approach), which are analogous to the the similar systems for other languages, which represent the state of the art in the domain of reviews of products.

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