
Abstract. This paper presents a semantic analysis of a periphrastic construction which has not been studied at this time in Spanish: soler + stative (Un poeta suele ser un hombre normal, “A poet usually is a normal man”). Whereas the habitual construction has been largely studied (Juan suele cantar “Juan usually sings”), it seems that the first one does not carry the same interpretation. We will claim that we need to distinguish between two readings: the habitual reading on the one hand and the generic reading on the other hand. According to Menéndez-Benito (2013), Krifka et al. (1995) and Shubert & Pelletier (1989), among others, we will argue that soler contains a frequentative adverb of quantification Q. In the habitual reading, the Q adverb quantifies over an individual participating in an event at a time t (Juan está cantando, “Juan is singing”), whereas in the generic reading, Q adverb quantifies over a characterizing predicate (un poeta es un hombre normal, “A poet is a normal man”). In the habitual reading, the NP must refer to an individual and the VP to a dynamic event anchored in space and time. In the generic reading, the NP must refer to a class of objects and the VP to a stative predicate.


  • This paper presents a semantic analysis of a periphrastic construction which has not been studied at this time in Spanish: soler + stative (Un poeta suele ser un hombre normal, “A poet usually is a normal man”)

  • En ambos casos soler funciona como un adverbio cuantificacional de frecuencia, pero en el caso de la lectura habitual opera sobre un individuo involucrado en un evento dinámico, anclado en el espacio y en el tiempo; en el caso de la lectura genérica, opera sobre un predicado caracterizador no anclado en el espacio y en el tiempo, más concretamente sobre la adscripción de una propiedad a una entidad de una clase

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This paper presents a semantic analysis of a periphrastic construction which has not been studied at this time in Spanish: soler + stative (Un poeta suele ser un hombre normal, “A poet usually is a normal man”). En los enunciados que producen una lectura genérica de soler, el SV en infinitivo suele ser estativo, esto es, designa un estado permanente y una propiedad caracterizadora que por tanto no puede repetirse: ser un hombre normal, denominarse, tener una lucecita roja.

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