
In OCT angiography (OCTA), decorrelation computation has been widely used as a local motion index to identify dynamic flow from static tissues, but its dependence on SNR severely degrades the vascular visibility, particularly in low-SNR regions. To mathematically characterize the decorrelation-SNR dependence of OCT signals, we developed a multi-variate time series (MVTS) model. Based on the model, we derived a universal asymptotic linear relation of decorrelation to inverse SNR (iSNR), with the variance in static and noise regions determined by the average kernel size. Accordingly, with the population distribution of static and noise voxels being explicitly calculated in the iSNR and decorrelation (ID) space, a linear classifier is developed by removing static and noise voxels at all SNR, to generate a SNR-adaptive OCTA, termed as ID-OCTA. Then, flow phantom and human skin experiments were performed to validate the proposed ID-OCTA. Both qualitative and quantitative assessments demonstrated that the ID-OCTA offers a superior visibility of blood vessels, particularly in the deep layer. Finally, the implications of this work on both system design and hemodynamic quantification are further discussed.

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