
Abstract. Snowpack models simulate the evolution of the snow stratigraphy based on meteorological inputs and have the potential to support avalanche risk management operations with complementary information relevant for their avalanche hazard assessment, especially in data-sparse regions or at times of unfavorable weather and hazard conditions. However, the adoption of snowpack models in operational avalanche forecasting has been limited, predominantly due to missing data processing algorithms and uncertainty around model validity. Thus, to enhance the usefulness of snowpack models for the avalanche industry, numerical methods are required that evaluate and summarize snowpack model output in accessible and relevant ways. We present algorithms that compare and assess generic snowpack data from both human observations and models, which consist of multidimensional sequences describing the snow characteristics of grain type, hardness, and age. Our approach exploits Dynamic Time Warping, a well-established method in the data sciences, to match layers between snow profiles and thereby align them. The similarity of the aligned profiles is then evaluated by our independent similarity measure based on characteristics relevant for avalanche hazard assessment. Since our methods provide the necessary quantitative link to data clustering and aggregating methods, we demonstrate how snowpack model output can be grouped and summarized according to similar hazard conditions. By emulating aspects of the human avalanche hazard assessment process, our methods aim to promote the operational application of snowpack models so that avalanche forecasters can begin to build an understanding of how to interpret and trust operational snowpack simulations.


  • Snow avalanches are a serious mountain hazard, whose risk is managed through a combination of long- and short-term mitigation measures, depending on the character of the exposed elements at risk

  • Our method is based on Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), a long-standing algorithm, which was originally designed for speech recognition in the 1970s (Sakoe and Chiba, 1970; Sakoe, 1971; Sakoe and Chiba, 1978)

  • The snow profile alignment algorithm and the similarity measure presented in this paper aim to address two of the main factors that have limited the adoption of snowpack models to support avalanche warning services and practitioners

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Snow avalanches are a serious mountain hazard, whose risk is managed through a combination of long- and short-term mitigation measures, depending on the character of the exposed elements at risk. Since their approach is only concerned with finding manually observed layers in a specific depth range of the modeled profile, it is not suitable for subsequent clustering and aggregating Their agreement score for snow profile pairs is focused on providing insight for model improvements, which has different similarity assessment needs than comparing snow profiles for avalanche hazard assessment purposes. The layer matching algorithm by Hagenmuller and Pilloix (2016) has been applied to evaluate snow penetrometers (Hagenmuller et al, 2018a) or to characterize the spatial variability of the snow cover from ram resistance field measurements (Teich et al, 2019) Their approach has focused on one-dimensional, continuous, numerical sequences and is not readily applicable to operational snowpack observations from avalanche forecasters. We believe that the algorithms presented in this paper provide an important step for the development of operational data aggregation and validation algorithms that can make largescale snowpack simulations more accessible and relevant for avalanche forecasters

Derivation of the snow profile alignment algorithm and similarity measure
Assessing differences between individual snow layers
Distance function for grain type
Distance function for layer hardness
Distance function for layer date
Aligning snow profiles with Dynamic Time Warping
Background on Dynamic Time Warping
Preprocessing of snow profiles: uniform scaling and resampling
Computing a weighted local cost matrix from multiple layer characteristics
Obtaining the optimal alignment of the snow profiles
Application cases and usage recommendations
Assessing the similarity of snow profiles
Aggregation and clustering applications – a practical valuation
Clustering of snow profiles
Finding a representative snow profile: the medoid
Discussion and conclusions
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