
A synthetic study was performed to determine the potential to retrieve dry-snow density and ground permittivity from multiangular L-band brightness temperatures. The thereto employed emission model was developed from parts of the “microwave emission model of layered snowpacks” (MEMLS) coupled with components adopted from the “L-band microwave emission of the biosphere” (L-MEB) model. The restriction to L-band made it possible to avoid scattering and absorption in the snow volume, leading to a rather simple formulation of our emission model. Parametric model studies revealed L-band signatures related to the mass density of the bottom layer of a dry snowpack. This gave rise to the presented analysis of corresponding retrieval performances based on measurements synthesized with the developed emission model. The question regarding the extent to which random noise translates into retrieval uncertainties was investigated. It was found that several classes of snow densities could be distinguished by retrievals based on L-band brightness temperatures with soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS)-typical data quality. Further synthetic retrievals demonstrated that propagation effects must be taken into account in dry snow even at L-band when retrieving permittivity of the underlying ground surface. Accordingly, current SMOS-based retrievals seam to underestimate actual ground permittivity by typically 30% as dry snow is wrongly considered as “invisible.” Although experimental validation has not yet been performed, the proposed retrieval approach is seen as a promising step toward the full exploitation of L-band brightness temperatures available from current and future satellite Earth observation missions, especially over the cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

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