
AbstractThe results of snow-cover chemical composition research in Lefortovo District, Moscow, Russia, are considered. The technogenic impact on snow-cover contamination was evaluated using snow sampling, chemical analysis of liquid and solid phases of snow and data processing. Snow meltwaters were slightly acidic, low-mineralized and contaminated with oil products. Contrasting anomalies of chloride, sodium, nitrites, nitrates, oil products and 3,4-benzopyrene are revealed and the main causes of their formation analyzed. The technogenic load on the air and snow cover was mainly due to an extensive road network and the impact of industrial enterprise. Ecogeochemical associations of elements, polluting snow cover by means of the dust component of air, formed the specific types of geochemical zones due to industrial and road-transport emissions. The common type of man-made contamination in snow cover is characterized by the following general association of contaminants: Hg W Mo Cr Ni Co Pb Cu Zn Cd Ag Bi Sn Ba Nb.

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