
An adult neon tetra Paracheirodon innesi with a history of difficulty in feeding caused by a mass overwhelming the snout is presented. Macroscopically the fish presented a unilateral, single, nodular and well-circumscribed, perlaceous, firm to hard mass in the left snout region. Histologically, tumor tissue was formed mainly by abundant, highly cellular elliptic nests of chondro- cytes lying in mature hyaline cartilage matrix. Besides this component there were bubbly appearing large cells (physaliphorous-like cells) and a minority of cells having well defined cytoplasmic boundaries, clear eosinophilic pale cytoplasm and a rounded centrally located nucleus (fried egg-like cells). Alcian-PAS and Masson's trichrome stains were applied to demonstrate proteoglycans and colla- gen of the matrix. Based on topographic localization and histomorphological features, a diagnosis of snout chon- droma was made. This case can be added to the other rare spontaneous cartilage tumors of fish described in literature.

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