
It was aimed to report the therapeutic approach and nursing care provided during the hospitalization of a patient with the myelodisplastic syndrome. This is an experience report held in a southwest Goian hospital during February 2022. The choice of the subject was randomly and the experience occurred through four steps aimed at systematizing nursing care provided. In the first stage, the previous data, the physical and clinical picture of the patient, the observation of multiprofessional treatment and the elaboration of the nursing process were collected. Steps data were described in a pre-draft checklist containing the patient's sociodemographic variables and specific to the syndrome, their treatment and nursing care. The patient remained hospitalized for 20 days, in a semi -critical state, with multifaceted signs and symptoms, with severe infection and anemia. He had to use symptomatological pharmacological polytherapy, performed various laboratory and image tests and was supported by a multidisciplinary team. Nursing care occurred full-time in a systematized way. It was noticed that the syndrome is severe and complex, little known to health professionals and should be treated by specialized professionals.

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