
Introduction To report a case of acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie's syndrome) in a patient with spinal cord injury (SCI). Case report A 50-year-old man suffered a high-energy fall, resulting in: luxation-fracture of the thoracolumbar spine between T12 and L1 with spinal cord injury. After 8 months of evolution, he developed abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting and pain. Simple × rays revealed colonic dilation and a diagnosis of acute colonic pseudo-obstruction was made. Computerized tomography scan confirmed the diagnosis and excluded mechanical obstruction. Despite supportive measures, his symptoms progressed over the following hours, and emergency surgery was performed. He died during surgery 24 hours after the initiation of the problem. Discussion SCI may interfere with the accurate assessment of the abdomen. This syndrome should be borne in mind in patients with SCI who develop ileus after the acute damage phase, because early diagnosis and appropriate treatment would reduce morbidity and mortality.

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