
Today, in order for a student to enter a university, he/she must go through many admission stages. The exam hollowed out the education and expelled the non-cognitive and human values that were not measured by the exam. Exams that completely swallowed the students' 6-18 age period caused disaster in the education system, contrary to their purpose of existence. It has already been observed that standardized exams do not predict university success. The high school Grade Point Average (GPA) is much more related to a student's academic achievement in the university. However, the inconsistency of high school GPAs between schools restricts their direct use of it at the university entrance. Our suggestion is to make random selection based on high school GPA. A lottery coefficient will be given to each student by using the student's high school GPA, class GPA, and class ranking. Thus, students will enter random selection with a lottery coefficient based on school success. Those with high success will have a higher coefficient and those with low success will have a lower coefficient. We hope that the random selection method will provide students with opportunities for their non-cognitive development and contribute to social peace.

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