
It has become evident from our studies on salmonellosis in turkeys that animal reservoirs other than turkeys must account for some outbreaks that cannot be traced to turkey carriers. In a previous paper we (1944) reported the isolation of Salmonella meleagridis from a gopher snake caught on a ranch where severe mortality from this Salmonella type was being experienced. It is the purpose of this note to record the isolation of Salmonella typhimurium from a gopher snake, a garter snake, 2 cats, and house flies—all caught on 2 infected turkey ranches.On one ranch an unexplained outbreak of S. typhimurium infection caused severe mortality in a brood of young poults that were hatched from eggs laid by breeders that were negative to both H and O types of S. typhimurium agglutination tests at the beginning of the 1944 hatching season. A retest of the flock after the outbreak occurred .

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