
Throughput capacity in mobile ad hoc networks has been studied extensively under many different mobility models. However, most previous research assumes global mobility, and the results show that a constant per-node throughput can be achieved at the cost of very high delay. Thus, we are having a very big gap here, i.e., either low throughput and low delay in static networks or high throughput and high delay in mobile networks. In this paper, employing a practical restricted random mobility model, we try to fill this gap. Specifically, we assume that a network of unit area with n nodes is evenly divided into cells with an area of n^{-2\alpha }, each of which is further evenly divided into squares with an area of n^{-2\beta} (0 \le \alpha \le \beta \le {1\over 2} ). All nodes can only move inside the cell which they are initially distributed in, and at the beginning of each time slot, every node moves from its current square to a uniformly chosen point in a uniformly chosen adjacent square. By proposing a new multihop relay scheme, we present smooth trade-offs between throughput and delay by controlling nodes' mobility. We also consider a network of area n^\gamma (0\le \gamma \le 1) and find that network size does not affect the results obtained before.

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