
Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Nonlinear Optimization Problems. 3. Optimality Conditions. 4. Geometric Background of Optimality Conditions. 5. Deduction of the Classical Optimality Conditions in Nonlinear Optimization. 6. Geodesic Convex Functions. 7. On the Connectedness of the Solution Set to Complementarity Systems. 8. Nonlinear Coordinate Representations. 9. Tensors in Optimization. 10. Geodesic Convexity on R n+ 11. Variable Metric Methods Along Geodesics. 12. Polynomial Variable Metric Methods for Linear Optimization. 13. Special Function Classes. 14. Fenchel's Unsolved Problem of Level Sets. 15. An Improvement of the Lagrange Multiplier Rule for Smooth Optimization Problems. A. On the Connection Between Mechanical Force Equilibrium and Nonlinear Optimization. B. Topology. C. Riemannian Geometry. References. Author Index. Subject Index. Notations.

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