
__________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: In rural India many women spending several hours a day cooking over an indoor open stove is a normal practice. What these women fail to realize is that there is an invisible killer in their kitchen of burning biomass fuels causes almost 500,000 deaths every year in India alone. A design initiative can use its design expertise to help these women continue with their traditional culture, while empowering them to select a way of cooking that does not endanger their lives. It describes the brief and the open-innovation process used in creating the ‘Chulha’ (Stove) – a low-smoke stove that prevents sickness and death from indoor air pollution due to cooking activities with biomass fuels in rural low-income communities. Evaluation included a certification of stove’s thermal performance, fuel consumption and carbon monoxide emissions. Stoves under testing used bio-organic waste. The firewood used as fuel was free from any potential pollutants. The design brief challenged team has to come up with a low-smoke solution for healthy and safe cooking able to fit the local socio-cultural and infrastructural conditions of rural and semi-urban areas. More specifically, objectives were to design, develop and test a solution, which able to reduce indoor pollution and therefore health-related diseases with respect to local culinary habits and cooking behaviors. With the advancement of the combustion technology and innovative approach towards applying the known principle of cook stove designing. The cook stove technology has gain the boost and now fourfold improvement in the overall thermal efficiency as compare to the traditional tri-stone cook stove. Apart from the type and quality of the fuel used, design of the cook stove chamber is the deciding factor for the associated emission causing by the fuel combustion. . TIDE has put up an effort to train more entrepreneurs. But finding the right candidate for training is a limiting factor to overcome.

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