
The paper presents the results of our study on the effect of one type of pyrogenic factor (smoke) after burning coniferous wood chips on several bioindicators (soil enzymes, microorganisms, mesofauna, plants of agricultural crops). Exposition to smoke for 60 minutes was found to significantly affect the enzymatic activity of common chernozem. Fumigation caused a decrease in such enzymes as catalase, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and invertase. The enzymes of the oxidoreductase class were the most sensitive to smoke. High toxicity of gaseous combustion products to the soil flora and fauna was revealed. The acute toxicity of smoke to the bioindicators was determined as a result of fumigation. High mortality of test objects (Eisenia fetida, Nauphoeta cinerea) was recorded in our experiments. Soil microorganisms (Azotobacter chroococcum and Penicillium chrysogenum) proved to be informative after 30–120 minutes of fumigation. Resistance of plant sprouts (Raphanus sativus, Triticum aestivum, and Pisum sativum) to combustion gaseous products was revealed. An experiment to analyze the chemical composition of gases in smoke was performed. Such hazardous compounds as sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide and dioxide (NO, NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), acetaldehyde (C2H4O), formaldehyde (CH2O), phenol (C6H6O) hydroxybenzene and others were found to be contained therein. Our analysis revealed that the concentrations of carbon monoxide were 714 times higher than its maximum permissible concentration (MPC), which acetaldehyde was 24,100 times higher. The nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide concentrations were 100 and 300 times higher, respectively.

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