
In a dynamic and competitive world, understanding the knowledge, skills and competences that managers of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) require is an important endeavour, to ensure that both academic and business training institutions offer well formed programs/courses and curricula. Several studies, conducted by academic researchers and business associations around the world, focused on identifying managers’ skills and competences, but there isn’t an overall perspective on today’s requirements of European SME managers. This is a critical aspect because managers’ competences strongly influence enterprises’ competitiveness and, therefore, the economic competitiveness of countries themselves. To help overcome this problem, the authors conducted a study in six European countries through a literature review and several interviews with business associations’ executives. The result is a list of 34 competences, which the authors organized in four categories: personal; team management; business; and technical. These competences are presented and discussed in this chapterand show that an SME manager should be well prepared in a rich set of complementary areas to perform her/his job. The findings enable a better understanding of the profile of SME managers from the point of view of required competences, and may help in the design of new training programs to fulfil the identified needs.

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