
Introduction: The present study intends to measure gender differences in smartphone addiction, emotional regulation, mental health and personality variables. Earlier studies have focused on gender differences in variables under study.
 Aim: It was an attempt to revalidate the findings for fulfillment of the research objectives.
 Sample: The sample was drawn following some predetermined inclusion and exclusion, a sample of 100 individuals ageing between 13 to 19 years were selected. Half of them were male and half of them were females.
 Method: Sample was administered with 1) Smartphone addiction test by Kwon et al (2013), 2) Mental Health Inventory Veit and Ware (1983), 3) Emotional Regulation Questionnaire by James J. Gross and Oliver P (2003), 4) Big Five Inventory (Personality) by Goldberg, (1993). Along with the above measures General Health Questionnaire was also administered for screening purpose. For GHQ a cut off 4 was selected below which individuals were allowed for participation in investigation.
 Result: Results indicated gender differences in variables under study. Females have been found to have higher level of addiction than male. Male were found to have more distress and low in psychological well-being. Male also found to have greater emotional reappraisal and lesser emotional suppression.
 Conclusion: In case of personality variables males were found to be more open, conscientious and agreeable while females were found to be more prone to neuroticism.

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