
AbstractWe present a robot wheelchair based on a UPS (Ultrasound Positioning System) for the elderly or the disabled. The proposed robot wheelchair system, called Smart Wheelchair, is a standard powered wheelchair equipped with a laptop computer which supports a variety of GUIs (graphical user inter-faces) for the disabled and a micro-processor system equipped with UPS and external connectivity modules. The Smart Wheelchair incorporates state-of-the-art technology providing information about the location of the wheelchair based on its movement, which is beyond comparison to ordinary wheelchairs that have just one function: to move patients. The Smart Wheelchair can provide users with driving assistance and take over low-level navigation to allow the user to travel efficiently, safely and easily.KeywordsGlobal Position SystemMobile RobotGlobal Position System ReceiverAbsolute PositionUltrasonic SignalThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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