
The demand for water vending machines has surged in India, particularly in urban Sectors like Airports, Metro station, malls, offices, Railway stations, Universities and other public sectors, where access to safe drinking water is a pressing concern. However, existing machines predominantly rely on digital and cash payments, posing challenges for individuals without smartphones or ready cash. To address this gap, we propose integrating a phone call facility into water vending machines, allowing users to make purchases via a simple phone call. Coupled with an integrated mobile application accessible nationwide, this system promotes inclusivity and convenience. By leveraging technology, we can ensure that clean water remains accessible to all, regardless of their digital capabilities or financial constraints, aligning with the principles of Digital India. Our goal is to address the challenge faced by individuals without access to cash or mobile phones. Through our in-machine phone call services, users can facilitate payments for others, promoting financial inclusivity. Additionally, our solution enables individuals worldwide to make payments seamlessly through a dedicated application.

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