
In this paper a novel certification method in online voting system using facial detection of the voter. In India, at present there are two types of voting scheme in put into practice. They are top secret Ballet paper and Electronic Voting Machines (EVM), but both of the procedure has a few limits. Indian online voting is a face up to put into practice. The present voting system is not in safe hands. The voters require going dispersed places like polling booths and standing in a lengthy line up to cast their vote, for the reason that most of the people miss their possibility of voting. The voter who is not eligible can also cast their vote by false that means which may lead to a lot of troubles. So in this paper, we have to recommend a scheme for voting which is extremely effectual in voting system. In this process, we have 3 stage of security in voting procedure. The initial level is the authentication of Aadhar number, second stage is the authentication of Voter ID and third stage is facing matching. The protection level of our scheme is really enhanced by the novel application technique for every voter. The user authentication procedure of the scheme is enhanced by addition face detection using by application which will recognize whether the user is authenticated user or not.

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