
Abstract: To ensure the proper operation and efficient operation of the vehicle, regular vehicle service is necessary to monitor various parts of the vehicle. This paper “Smart Vehicle Service Management System using IoT” is being proposed to detect some problems in vehicle and also it provides a platform to book online service to the vehicles. It sends an alert message in form of SMS to the user if any problem is detected and suggests that servicing to vehicle is now required. The system is integrated with different sensors like FSR, adxl, DHT11, level etc to detect problem in vehicle and being displayed in LCD, so if any problem is detected the buzzer will give alert sound indicating the vehicle has a problem. Along this a Node MCU and GSM module is being placed to get live updates in cloud and also in a form of SMS and the same data is stored data in cloud. The alert message received in form of SMS is redirected to the SVSMS website which will allow the user to book online service. The proposed system helps the user to detect the problems in prior and act precisely so that efficiency of the vehicle is maintained and cost/ inconvenience could be avoided.

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