
With today’s current technologies, it is possible to answer the question, ‘What is the most profitable mode of operation for the next few hours, for the rest of today, tomorrow and beyond?’ With ‘lower for longer’ oil prices, the need for enterprise wide optimisation in the upstream and midstream oil and gas industry is greater than ever. The terms ‘Digital Oil Field’, ‘Digital Gas Field’, ‘Digital Twin’ are being utilised to extol the virtue and value of big data analytics and model-based asset optimisation and supply chain optimisation by enabling this in efficient ways not previously possible with multiple unintegrated systems, processes and procedures. Multiple different point solutions rolled out across multiple sites become difficult to integrate horizontally for management of safe and optimised operations and vertically up to business enterprise resource planning level to give useful and timely business insights. With careful planning, coupled with deep operational technology and operations knowledge, an integrated enterprise wide supply chain and asset operations and management system can unlock significant hidden value. This is enabled by the correct and efficient integration of many systems and the efficient collection, management and use of huge amounts of data. As the industry needs to ‘do more with less’, getting this integration right is critical to enable desired outcomes and functionality. This paper summarises the current state-of-the-art solutions that enable optimised well to liquefied natural gas plant process, asset and business management to deliver desired functionality and outcomes.

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