
A smart university (SmU) combines many “smart” and classical educational components based on a single information infrastructure. The basic components of building and developing a smart university are elements of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), intelligent systems tools, neural networks, and other technologies of Industry 4.0. The study examines the issues of improving project management for the development of smart-university components based on IoT elements. IoT elements are basic for the information infrastructure of a smart university. IoT solution development projects have a high level of uncertainty due to the lack of infrastructure development for implementation, an incomplete request from stakeholders. The features of the project management organization are also the dual nature of the IoT product itself, since it has both the software and hardware of the devices. This is not just an IT project based on smart components or SmU information infrastructure. All this requires additional elaboration of methods and tools for managing IoT projects. The article also presents a system of criteria for evaluating the features of IoT projects for SmU and shows their characteristics. The novelty of the research lies developing an adaptive model of a flexible approach to IoT project management. The proposed developments can be applied to managing SmU digital infrastructure and developing projects to create smart components based on IoT. Expert and graphical methods were used for modeling.

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