
The research project ADAPTEX pursues the goal of developing adaptive, energy-efficient textile sun shading systems using the smart material Shape Memory Alloy (SMA). Within this approach lies a high potential for novel sun protection systems demanding little energy or even self-sufficiently adapting to external stimuli while reducing operation and maintenance costs and at the same time offering solutions to tackle growing demand for sun and glare protection. A Design Categories Matrix is presented that brings together various involved fields from textile design and facade construction to smart material development. Based on this, two concepts have been further elaborated: ADAPTEX Wave and Mesh. Both incorporate SMA into textile structures but express different design and performance potential by changing the geometry and openness factor of the surface area. For further evaluation, various functional prototypes that scale up from 0.2 x 0.2 m to 1.35 x 2.80 m are developed and reviewed. The buildability and functionality of SMA-driven textile sun shading systems that incorporate requirements from the various involved fields are verified. The feasibility of parallel ADAPTEX Wave and Mesh were assessed in comparison to the performance of state-of-the-art sun shading systems. The technological ideas are subsequently optimised and scaled up in various cycles for follow-up testing in both indoor and outdoor environments.

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