
This research presents a 100% renewable system configured based on its real potential and use of renewable energies for the Ecuadorian Amazon, considered one of the places with the greatest diversity of native plant species on the planet. The transition processes that are born from the central state seek to take a radical turn in the electricity sector but there is still no defined roadmap, this is where this research will allow it to be an important reference for its long-term transformation. The current system is based on fossil fuels and in this study an energy transition process is planned with the support of the EnergyPLAN tool that puts into practice the concept of intelligent energy, progressively and systematically achieving 100% renewable energy for 2050. Finally, after analyzing the results, it is concluded that the energy mix for 2050 can consider 36.47% hydro, 33.04% solar photovoltaic, 29.73% wind energy and other technologies to a lesser extent with 0.74%. Surpluses can be injected into the interconnection sites with Colombia and Peru, also achieving economic income to preserve and expand the infrastructure of the electricity sector. Decision makers can consider this study as a reference before committing economic resources and carrying out modern energy planning.

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