
This research examines smart solutions for agricultural sustainability using IoT-powered soil health detection systems. Innovative solutions are needed to manage resources and protect the environment as the world population grows and agricultural resources are under strain. IoT-enabled soil health monitoring has great potential. The suggested system uses IoT sensors to measure soil moisture, pH, nutrient content, and temperature in real time. This data is analyzed using powerful data analytics and machine learning algorithms to provide farmers soil health information. Monitoring soil quality allows farmers to make educated irrigation, fertilization, and crop selection choices, optimizing resource use and yields while minimizing environmental effect. The study also examines sensor selection, data transmission methods, and data security for IoT-powered soil health detection systems. Widespread use of these technologies might boost agricultural output, lower input costs, and enhance food security. Finally, IoT-powered soil health detection systems are a major step toward agricultural sustainability. These devices enable precision farming that is ecologically friendly and profitable by giving real-time soil data. However, effective implementation would need agricultural value chain stakeholders to collaborate and continued research to address growing issues and possibilities.

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