
In connection with the digitalisation development of healthcare institutions, it is desirable to create a digital organizational strategy, which takes into account patient safety and cyber security aspects. The aim of this study is to familiarize doctors with the comprehensive study of the effects of the digitalisation of healthcare institutions on patient safety and to create and present an institutional strategic proposal, which has been compiled based on the experience of international literature publications. A study of the relevant literature was conducted, searching through publications in English and German in several databases. The content of the publications was collected according to pre-defined criteria. 39 articles were evaluated out of which 12 are presented in detail. The practical experiences and risks of the digitalisation developments are discussed. The recommendations principally suggest strategic and cyber security aspects, education and competency improvement. The creation of a digitalisation development strategy, which considers patient safety and cyber security aspects, should be considered also in Hungarian healthcare institutions. This strategy would also help the justification and realization of the professional priorities of healthcare providers. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(47): 1876-1884.


  • Introduction and objectiveIn connection with the digitalisation development of healthcare institutions, it is desirable to create a digital organizational strategy, which takes into account patient safety and cyber security aspects

  • The aim of this study is to familiarize doctors with the comprehensive study of the effects of the digitalisation of healthcare institutions on patient safety and to create and present an institutional strategic proposal, which has been compiled based on the experience of international literature publications

  • Határozat a betegbiztonság növelését célzó és a betegápolási és betegellátási tevékenységhez kapcsolódó adminisztratív feladatok ellátását támogató, komplex informatikai rendszer beszerzéséről.] Available from: http://njt.hu/cgi_bin/

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Bevezetés és célkitűzés: Az egészségügyi intézmények digitalizációs fejlesztése kapcsán célszerű egy digitális szervezeti stratégia megalkotása a betegbiztonsági és kiberbiztonsági szempontok figyelembevételével. Következtetés: A szerzők hazai egészségügyi intézmények számára javasolják betegbiztonsági és kiberbiztonsági szempontokat figyelembe vevő digitalizációs fejlesztési stratégia megalkotását, amellyel a betegellátással foglalkozók szakmai szempontjainak érvényesülését segítik. Introduction and objective: In connection with the digitalisation development of healthcare institutions, it is desirable to create a digital organizational strategy, which takes into account patient safety and cyber security aspects. Conclusion: The creation of a digitalisation development strategy, which considers patient safety and cyber security aspects, should be considered in Hungarian healthcare institutions. This strategy would help the justification and realization of the professional priorities of healthcare providers. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 01/06/22 09:32 AM UTC

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