
This Vending machines are one of the most successful distribution channels in developed countries. Especially in the “COVID-19” serious, the automation vending machine usage is increased which must reduce travel, congestion, and exposure. Therefore, vending machines play a huge role by vending machines, which can operate 24 hours a day, reduce the burden of labor, goods can reach customers in any area, and support the increased peak-hour convenience. As a business one can reduce product distribution costs. as well as expanding distribution channels for more variety and reaching more consumers Suitable for the era of high competition. In the past, Thailand imports vending machines from abroad. This results from the vending machine with high prices and is difficult to maintain and is not widespread. Smart retail via internet technology is developed by applying sensing technology which works together with the mechanical mechanism under the microcontroller. The data are stored and processed on the server. The operations results show as a web application through the internet technology. Users can get the product detail and the cabinet location. The performance of smart retail via internet technology is reporting details of the number of goods, cabinet location, and promotional information for owners and customers. Information that can be seen on the web page application. The system can be paid by members' payment and cash purchase. This research is developed innovative smart retail via internet technology. The customer can get goods information or services thoroughly, anytime, anywhere, and more conveniently.

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