
Industrial processes are multi input multi output, non-linear, and constrained in nature. The sensors, data acquisition systems, controller and the actuators of the above said processes are all networked to form as networked control system with various network constraints. Other issues in the smart measurement sensor non-linearity, uncertainty and noises. The PID and MPC are the famous industrial controller for controlling the above processes. PID controller is popular due to its simplicity in tuning parameter and the MPC is preferred for its superior control performance. However, in process industries, the MPC based controller is used in the supervisory level which gives the command signal to the regulatory level PID controller. This PID controller is used for controlling the industrial process which makes limited MPC performance. It makes challenges to the researcher to develop next generation controller which can able to address the above stated problems. This enhances the research scope in the domain of SMART process measurement and automation. There arises a necessity to come up with a solution for the above problems which has industrial acceptability, simplicity, flexibility and scalability. This research paper is aimed to bring into sight the various research challenges involved in smart process measurement and automation and solution to some of the same.

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