
Bulletin board is a medium for sharing information in Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN). However, the feasibility study showed that bulletin board was not effective to be used as a medium for disseminating information in UMN campus. Apart from the user side, the development of UMN campus building also become an obstacle for using traditional bulletin board. Near Field Communication (NFC) technology is a type of short-range wireless technology, which widely used in developed countries in everyday life, such as ticketing payment, public transport, credit card, e-ticket, advertisement, and Wireless Local Area Network (W-LAN) configuration. One concrete manifestation of NFC technology implementation is Smart Poster. In addition to NFC technology embodied in Smart Poster, an object is needed to represent a range of bulletin information with small size so that it can be implemented into NFC Tag. Based on previous research, that object can be made by Salt Tokenization method. This study aims to design and develop Mobile Bulletin system to implement Smart Poster concept using NFC technology and Salt Tokenization method. The system's usability testing result in this study showed that Mobile Bulletin system makes the acquisition and dissemination of bulletin board information easier, also easier for Student Council to manage bulletin board.

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