
Abstract: Air pollution caused by vehicular emissions is a significant environmental and public health concern, and regulatory measures, such as Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificates, are implemented to monitor and control vehicle emissions. However, the majority of the people fail to renew their PUC certificates because they don’t get any reminders, unlike reminders sent by insurance companies, The PUC vendor have to manually send the PUC expiration reminder message to the client. The PUC vendors often have to keep track of their clients using notebook and pen and manually check the expiration dates of certificates daily, which can be a time-consuming and error-prone process. These inefficiencies can lead to a poor customer experience, increased workload for PUC vendors, resulting in lack of compliance with PUC regulations and potential fines. The proposed platform provides a smart and innovative online platform designed specifically for PUC vendors to streamline their operations and improve compliance with PUC regulations. The platform is built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack, providing a modern and scalable solution for PUC vendors to manage their clients and send PUC expiration reminders via SMS and WhatsApp

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