
Nowadays, every large enterprise is concerned about reducing CO2 emissions. Along with legislation, management, packaging, and transportation decisions, optimising the operation of automated systems in the industry is important. Overheating processes or large cooling systems of one machine during product assembly may seem minor but at the industry level it is quite significant. Either an optimisation of cooling systems or an intelligent machine control which will prevent heat strokes and allow the transition to passive cooling of the whole system is an important issue for improving machine tools efficiency and contributing therefore to CO2 reduction in the industry sector. This research is a transitional phase from the creation of a control system to solve the problems of resonance in the control of systems with parallel piezo kinematics, which were designed to automate the iterative process of non-circular drilling with a precise shape and the subsequent research on the implementation of smart control to optimise the cooling of industrial machines. The total dynamics of the example system in this research is unknown and consists of the dynamics of electrical converters, piezo kinematics, and mechanics. The control signal of this system is generated by the model of the system state with assumptions and simplifications in combination with machine learning techniques considering the previous errors of the transient characteristics with the possibility of re-drilling without damaging the workpiece and with possibility of further trainings to eliminate the iterative process in general. Algorithms for further training at different resonances with a drilling depth change for cylinders of internal combustion engines are offered. These algorithms are proposed for accurate transmission of the input signal amplitude even in resonant situations, power optimisation, increase the system efficiency, as well as reducing the carbon footprint when used in industry in specific applications.


  • In the modern industry there is a high level of competition between various technical solutions of similar tasks and initial processes

  • In this study, an intelligent control system was created for the operating modes of the non-circular drilling machine, in which the control goes beyond the limits of the regulator and an iterative process, including repeatable cleaning and measuring of the tool, is necessary

  • An intelligent control system was created for the operating modes of the non-circular drilling machine, in which the control goes beyond the limits of the regulator and an iterative process, including repeatable cleaning and measuring of the tool, is necessary

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In the modern industry there is a high level of competition between various technical solutions of similar tasks and initial processes. .SSiiggnnaallaammpplliififieerrssffoorrppiieezzooeelleeccttrriiccaaccttuuaattoorrsswwiitthhssttaabbiilliissaattiioonnooff ddiiffffeerreenntt ooppeerraattiinngg mmooddeess ininththeefoformrmooffppoowweerrccaappaaccitiotorrss(o(orraannggeeccaabblleesslleeaaddttootthheeccaappaacciittoorrccaassccaaddeessppaacckkeedd iinn pprrootteeccttiivvee ccaasesessfoforrssaafefetytyaattvvooltlataggeessaabboovvee11000000VV)) This structure has a large number of problems that affect the quality of automatic operation and quality of manual work of the staff, and the need for multiple repetitions of the drilling process, increased cooling device requirements, and a large environmental footprint on an industrial scale. The task of designing a control system will be considered completed and can be used in the further research for another device if it will prove the elimination of the limitations of the control system, preventing unwanted resonances due to changes in the operating mode or Z-position of the spindle with the future study and laying of a base for projects on optimising the thermal processes of the electronics and piezo electronics of this machine and industry machines in general, thereby making it more competitive in the industry and environmentally friendly

State of Research
Models of System Build and Control
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